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Me and Ben

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Monday, 9 May 2011

Soppy Warning...

I just wanted to say how proud I am of my husband. He dropped out of uni about this time last year as he was failing all his courses and he couldn’t really be bothered with the effort. He then spent the summer being dicked around by his previous job, before getting a job at Krispy Kreme in September. He was at KK for 5 weeks before getting employee of the month. A month later he won a fancy dress comp. 2 weeks after that he won the company’s mystery shop. He got the highest score in the history of Krispy Kreme UK. He was also nominated for an award at their annual awards dinner. The general manager of the UK knows Ben by name and has told Ben he will have his own store within the next year.
In march, Ben was put forward as a candidate for a Team Leader position. He then started the training for the role. Not even 3 weeks later, Ben has been promoted AGAIN. He is now solely in charge of training new recruits and re-training every body else when needed.
Ben thought that when he left uni, he would be classed as a failure. I can honestly say, with my hand on my heart, he is anything but a failure and I could not be more proud to call myself his wife.

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