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Monday, 17 January 2011

More thoughts

You know, I have my blog as I was always told in therapy that it would be good for me to vent. I tried the old fashioned way of a pen and paper, but my writing sucks. Lol. Therefore a blog seemed the next logical step.

After writing my last blog, I felt a bit lighter. Like I had got something off my chest. Now I feel weighed down again. I have spent the past few days in a it of a daze. Not really knowing what I am doing. I have so much to do before the wedding, yet I seem to suddenly be lacking motivation to do it all. I've had to ask some friends for their help with all the craft things I want to do as I cannot physically do it on my own! In 17 days I have to make:
2 x Fabric Poms (that's these things: for my bridesmaids to carry
6 x buttonholes for the guys
3 x corsages for the mums to wear (My mum, my step-mum and Ben's mum)
And the room decorations!!
I really don't know how I'm going to do it all!! I thought I had loads of time, so I left it. But I don't! Ben took me to fabricland yesterday to get some more fabric for the poms. I had used an old black t-shirt and the ivory corset that came with my wedding dress (it was too big around the boobs - I'd have had to have had a surgery to fit into it!) but dont have enough material from them to make both the poms. We also bought some hot pink ribbon and some small pink flowers to make the buttonholes with. He also bought me a hot glue gun last week so I can actually make a start on it all. Lol
I have also had serious trouble trying to find the right sized lampshade for the poms! I bought one at Halloween that seemed the right size, but I CANNOT find one the same! So Ive had to buy one slightly smaller one. But this one should be better as the lampshade is pink rather then white with a spiderweb on it. Haha. I'm also hoping to buy some pink glittery hairspray or something to spray over them to give them a glittery effect. All depends on if I have time and money though. 

Anyway, I should go. Our beloved kettle died last night (may it R.I.P.) so we're off out to buy a new one. Yeah I know we can boil water and make tea with a saucepan, but thats effort and takes longer!!

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