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Thursday, 20 January 2011

The topic?.. Yeah, you guessed it...

More wedding!!

I'm trying to get my head straight and organise a list of everything else that needs doing. I have 2 weeks today! TWO weeks! :O I was looking through some wedding blogs last night to try and get some last minute inspiration and it dawned on me that I have spent 4 years planning this wedding, and looking through blogs and magazines, what the heck am I going to do with my time now???
But anyway, I'm trying to make a list of everything that needs doing, but my mind is just going blank! I cant seem to think of anything! Aggghhhh!! I mean, I have a few things. Like, finish the decorations, email people about RSVP's, make a table plan and design the place settings. But other then that I cant think of anything. Oh well. I do however have a loooooong list of chores to do while Ben's at work. Although I'm not sure how I'm supposed to wash his work uniform when hes wearing it. Lol. I shall just have to wash everything else and wait until he gets home at midnight before I put his uniform on. Although, I think I recall him mentioning that he has a day off tomorrow, so I may just wait until then. 

I discovered some entries I made to another blog yesterday. I may copy them over to here so you can see what I was up to past July. Haha.

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